Programme > Keynotes



SQL and Large Language Models: A Marriage Made in Heaven?

With the rise of pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs), there is now an effective solution to store and use information extracted from massive corpora of documents. However, for data-intensive tasks over structured data, relational DBs and SQL queries are at the core of countless applications. While these two technologies may appear distant, in this talk we will see that they can interact effectively and with promising results. LLMs can help users express SQL queries (Semantic Parsing), but SQL queries can be used to evaluate LLMs (Benchmarking). Their combination can be further advanced, with opportunities to query with a unified SQL interface both LLMs and DBs. We present recent results on these topics and then conclude with an overview of the research challenges in effectively leveraging the combined power of SQL and LLMs.

Paolo Papotti is an Associate Professor at EURECOM, France since 2017. He got his PhD from Roma Tre University (Italy) in 2007 and had research positions at the Qatar Computing Research Institute (Qatar) and Arizona State University (USA). His research is focused on data management and, more recently, on NLP. He has authored more than 160 publications and his work has been recognized with two “Best of the Conference” citations (SIGMOD 2009, VLDB 2016), three best demo award (SIGMOD 2015, DBA 2020, SIGMOD 2022), and two Google Faculty Research Award (2016, 2020).  


Katja HOSE


Title & Abstract TBA


Katja Hose is a full professor of Data Management at TU Wien's Databases and Artificial Intelligence research unit since 2023. She had prior positions at Aalborg University, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, and received her PhD from Ilmenau University of Technology. Her research is rooted in data and knowledge engineering and focuses on various aspects of graph databases, knowledge graphs, data integration, and applied machine learning. She has co-authored more than 150 peer-reviewed publications and regularly serves as a reviewer for a broad range of conferences including TheWebConf/WWW, VLDB, SIGMOD, EDBT, ISWC, ESWC, etc. She is an editorial board member of the VLDB Journal and SWJ as well as an associate editor for TGDK. She has served in many different organizational roles for international conferences, such as VLDB, SIGMOD, EDBT, TheWebConf/WWW, and ISWC, including program co-chair roles for ISWC 2024, EDBT 2023, and ESWC 2021.





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